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Dunning-Kruger Effect: A Blind Spot Every Product Manager Should Watch Out For ...

In 2009, My team and I were working on a prototype assuming that one day TVs will be connected to the internet and when that happens, advertising will become programmatic similar to what was online display advertising on the internet in those days. but more than that, people will also have second screen devices and the content they’ll be watching on the TV will be influenced with their second screen devices activity.

The IKEA Effect and its Friends : Nemeses of a Product Manager

In 2001, I was working on developing a software licensing system that managed distributed license keys for any software using server based floating licensing mechanism. Yes, Remember the old days of client server architecture and buying software was still not so common as it was expensive. Nostalgia aside, I was a software engineer coding in Java who believed that the system was working fine and my piece of code was working as expected.